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Van Gogh Museum Tour (60 minutes) (In Development)

The Van Gogh museum tour is still under development, but I will look to start running them professionally before the end of the month. For now, however, Vincent and I are still getting to know each other, and it will take some time before the tour is properly refined. For now I am trying some different approaches to the museum - Biographically towards Vincent and his life, historically towards the development of impressionism, psychologically to map his suffering mental health or professionally on his most acclaimed works. Perhaps more of an interactive approach could be fruitful to the tour as well, potentially allowing guest to smell certain scents as they gaze at works, perhaps amplifying the bright and rough brush strokes. Or maybe I will try and cover all these approaches, and somehow condense it all into only a 60 minute time frame. For now, however, I'll keep hanging with Vincent, reading what others have wrote about him and his huge collection of work, before I form an opinion worth sharing.

Perhaps you've already had a chance to see the museum? Was there some details of your visit that were difficult to understand or left you wanting more? I want to hear about it. Feel free to send me an email at or simply leave a comment with thoughts below. I look forward to sharing the final product later this summer!



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This tour serves my greater mission in making high quality research available to all listeners, but that is not all!

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